Thursday, May 14, 2020

Essay on Creative Writing The Story of Angel - 943 Words

Some time ago there was an 18 year old girl named Angel, who possessed many talents that were not known to human beings. She had the talent to control everything with her brain as well as her physical being. But like any other gifted kid she was oblivious of her talents. Her mother ,Teresa, however knew all about her but had passed away when Angel was only three years of age. Angel had then moved in with her uncle and was destined to never know who she was until the day came when all was suddenly shown. October 11th 2012, in the city of Fremont, a teenage mother went into an impossible labor in which her baby was not able to survive. The baby girl was announced dead shortly after being delivered. Teresa, the sixteen year old mother had a†¦show more content†¦Angel with all her hopelessness to save her uncle did exactly what the woman had demanded; she left without saying a word to anyone. One week had gone by since the accident. Angel was on her own living in a house for the homeless with no help and no guidance from anyone. She was on her own and whenever she needed time to think, she went to the park. Defenseless and powerless was how Angel felt until she met Harry, a mysterious boy who was steadfast to help her. Stephen was a gifted kid as well as Angel but unlike her he was known of his abilities. Harry was walking around very carelessly. He seemed normal and happy. Harry was alone and carried a backpack with a lot of items in it. He had his bike along his side and his notebook on the other side. Angel noticed him, but wasnt so worried about him. She was thinking of asking for help since he was the only one known around her. Just her luck, as he walked along Angel had caught his eye. I know you... you are just like me, youre gifted, I can see it in you. Gifted? What are you talking about? said Angel. You and I, we are gifted which means we were born with special powers that make us outside of the human kind, I guess. said Harry. Angel could not be lieve anything that Harry was saying to her. It took a lot of time for her to finally grasp that she was gifted with powers, a child with unknown abilities yet to be detected. Harry had left and Angel was on her own. The last time Angel had seen HarryShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Writing My Life Story986 Words   |  4 Pagesconstruct our very own â€Å"life story† sent me into a frenzy. However, I slowly began to think about whether I would write something based on my own experiences or the experiences of a fictional character considering it was my first time writing a story about my life or someone else for that matter. Writing about my life experiences or the emotions that come along with such experiences was never something that I fancy. 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